When Busyness Consumes You

This is a great blog post that sums up why I haven’t blogged for a few weeks now—a perpetual state of busy-ness that I find myself sucked into. Granted, I have been outlining my second novel during this time, but I knew I haven’t been as effective with my time management as I could have been. This is a great reminder to remain vigilant in removing obstacles and time wasters (Facebook, perhaps) that delay our progress toward our passions and goals.

The Gem in You®

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. Why? It’s really quite simple. Busyness has consumed me. I was involved in several professional organizations. I volunteered for several non-profit assemblies. I started working for a new company that required much more time, effort, diligence and travel availability. However, this company provided limited opportunity to vacation and de-stress. Before I realized it, I was burnt out and totally unmotivated to focus on the things I was called to do.

Busyness is a detrimental distracter that enters our lives through acceptance of tasks, roles, and responsibilities. Initially, we don’t even realize the magnitude of the responsibilities we have embraced. What starts off as a leadership or volunteer role in one organization quickly expands to additional roles and responsibilities. Somewhere deep inside, we know that we should say “no” to the request to lead or serve in various capacities. However, feelings of obligation and…

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3 thoughts on “When Busyness Consumes You

  1. eurobrat

    And our society thrives on busyness! It’s like our consumerist culture doesn’t want us to stop and think, and reflect. Good luck sorting through the busyness and letting go of the unnecessary stuff!


    1. jreidauthor

      Thanks! You’re absolutely right. Even when we take vacations, it’s expected that we DO something. It’s almost as if people make you feel guilty when you just want to relax and do nothing rather than make grand plans to fill every available moment.



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